Follicle Stimulator
Follicle Stimulator is a hair accelerator that feeds follicles and helps remove obstacles that impede hair from being its healthiest.
ProFolla Dermal An
Specific herbs help block DHT and break down specific enzymes to wash away build up. Powerful natural ingredietns help stop hair fall and get hair into a healthy growth phase.
ProFolla AnaStim Ha
It blocks DHT and contains 8% Trichogen, which is great for thinning hair or hair loss. Using a patented delivery system AnaStim covers problem areas and helps get new growth started.
Enzy Block Hair Loss Treatment
This DHT Blocker helps reduce hair loss and thicken hair in both men and
women by blocking the 5 alpha reductase enzyme and DHT! Stimulates hair
growth and helps supress hair loss, balding and thinning.